Find Your People

People need people.

Life is fully lived where names are known, stories are shared, ministry takes place, where people are genuinely loved and tangibly cared for. We are here to help others discover and rediscover Jesus on their level and the best way we know how is to create environments conducive for relationships.

Your bound to see lives changed before your eyes, including your own!

Groups are where you find your people at East Side. Groups consistently meet together to serve, play, eat, study and do life together. Whether it’s on East Side’s campus or in someone’s home, community is happening.

Join a Group

Interested in Leading a Group?

The cost of leading is higher than most think and we encourage you to count the cost before going any further.

Below is a helpful video which addresses a few questions to consider before leading a Group.

There is a constant need for those who are willing to step up to facilitate a Group. If that's you, fill out the short survey below and someone will be in contact with you shortly about the possibility of getting you connected!

We are a ragtag collection of surrendered and transformed people who love God and others. We are mesmerized by the idea that this is not about us and have realized it has always been about Jesus. We are transfixed by His story and His heart for our city. We are seed throwers and fire starters, hope peddlers and grace-givers, risk takers and dreamers, young and old alike. We link arms with anyone who tells the story of Jesus, empower the poor, strengthen the weak, embrace the outcast and seek the lost. We serve together, play together, worship together and live life together and are certain will wrongs will be made right. Our world will change because God has sent us and is with us.